In connection with Peter Geschwind’s exhibition After Image, Bonniers Konsthall has opened up one of its galleries and welcomed artists to participate in an exhibition. Hence, on Monday, February 13, artists came to Bonniers Konsthall carrying an artwork under their arm, and installed it according to their own wishes.
The initiative is a follow-up to the exhibition Stuff it, which took place in 1998 at the artist-run gallery Ynglingagatan 1, where Geschwind was one of the driving forces. The non-commercial gallery grew out of a prevailing frustration with the stagnation of the established art scene. Accordingly, Stuff it was produced with the desire to challenge the framework of exhibition production and format. During a specific day, artists were invited to install their works, thus making the exhibition half a social event focusing on the meeting between artists. With Stuff it at Bonniers Konsthall, we have hoped to recreate that spirit and become a place for artists to meet, install art, talk and socialise.
Consequently, the resulting exhibition at Bonniers Konsthall is a cacophony of artistry. Perhaps a blissful mess, but one that stands for something bigger and more urgent.